Imho the first steps to have a mellel->epub converter is to have external hyperlink a way to have a strong relation between mellel's style sheet and generated css and a simple but more clean xhtml code.Īgree that Mr Mel could use some insight into communicating with other formats. To do a good work we need to rewrite all the css and the clean the html code from redundant class, div, etc. Another problem is that the html code generated from mellel->html converter need a lot of work to be good for epub. The last ebook we created has got a lot of external hyperlinks, so we have to drop Mellel for another program. But there is no way to add an external link to a "on line" site or document, and for some ebooks this is not acceptable. We got problems: Mellel is real nice to create a "for paper" book, and the cross references is good for hyperlink.
We used Mellel for pdf version of our ebooks, and after export it in html (using the converter we found here in the forum) and work on html code to create the epub and mobi versions. We started a month ago a Publishing House (in italian) that uses Mellel for some of its books. (IIRC, it was shortly after Mellel switch to XML for its format that the schema's documentation was promised.)

Full documentation of Mellel's XML schema has been promised in the past (which would help with a Mellel to (X)HTML and/or ePub conversion), but RedleX has yet to release it. I, too, would like to put a vote in for ePub support in Mellel, however, I would much prefer to have proper (X)HTML support, first (with CSS for styles). The style handling in Pages is awkward, and Apple's ePub support in iBooks is lacking and incomplete. (Consider how difficult it has been for them to come up with a comprehensive/open file format.) Support in Pages would also be nice, but I'm not sure if I would trust Apple for an ePub solution. I, too, would very much like something similar to this, but I'm not sure how close the word processing industry is to embracing ePub. I'd be surprised if Apple doesn't add ePub output to the desktop version of Pages/iWork 2010, but they're unlikely to ever offer Mobi output.so it would be nice if Mellel or Nisus did so that we can have an ideal native ebook creation app. am looking for a combined authoring/publishing app like Adobe InDesign, but would prefer a real Cocoa Mac app like Mellel, Nisus Writer Pro, or Pages for this.